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Meet: Thomas Amoako Boafo,

Meet: Thomas Amoako Boafo,

Amoako Boafo, a Ghanaian artist and award-winner, has defied odds and discrimination to create remarkable paintings.

Born and raised in Accra, Ghana, he faced challenges when he moved to Vienna, Austria, as the white-dominated art world hesitated to showcase his work, which focused on Black figures.

However, he persisted, creating captivating self-portraits and celebrating African and Black figures.

Having lost his father at an early age and with his mother working as a cook, becoming an artist was not seen as an accessible or dependable career path.
“Art is not something I grew up with,” he says. “Coming from nothing, I always held within myself this belief that it’s only going to get better.”

Despite his humble beginnings, Amoako’s unwavering belief in a better future carried him forward. His standout style combines bold, flat colors with luscious finger painting, leaving an indelible mark on contemporary art history. He also contributes to the rising interest in artists of African descent.

Recently, Amoako achieved an extraordinary milestone: his paintings were launched into space. Three of his portraits, “Self Portrait with Pink Tulips,” “Shormeh’s Gold Earrings,” and “White and Gold Head Wrap,” were painted directly onto pieces of a Blue Origin rocket using space-grade paints. Remarkably, these paintings returned unscathed and in excellent condition.

Amoako Boafo’s journey to the stars showcases his resilience, talent, and unbreakable spirit. It serves as a powerful inspiration for us all. Let’s celebrate this remarkable Ghanaian artist and the boundless possibilities that await those who dare to dream and reach for the stars.
